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I'm currently an Assistant Professor of Political Science and Statistics & Data Science at Yale. My research broadly focuses on developing robust statistical methods to credibly estimate causal effects under real-world complications.
Before this, I was a Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard, working with Kosuke Imai. I received my Ph.D. in Statistics at the Unversity of California, Berkeley, where I was fortunate to be advised by Erin Hartman.
Recent News
My paper with Sam Pimentel on variance-based sensitivity models for weighted estimators will be appearing in Biometrika! | |
My paper on a sensitivity framework for considering overlap violations in external validity is now available on ArXiv (link). | |
Our new working paper on evaluating the impact of AI-assisted decision-making systems is now available on ArXiv (link). | |
My paper on sensitivity analysis for generalizability is forthcoming in the Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A! |
My paper with Dan Soriano and Sam Pimentel on design sensitivity for weighted observational studies is now available on ArXiv (link). |
Design sensitivity and its implication on weighted observational studies
with Dan Soriano and Sam Pimentel
Does AI help humans make better decisions? A methodological framework for experimental evaluation
with Eli Ben-Michael, D. James Greiner, Kosuke Imai, Zhichao Jiang, and Sooahn Shin
Overlap violations in external validity
Variance-based sensitivity analysis for weighted estimators result in more informative bounds
with Sam Pimentel
Biometrika (2024+)
Sensitivity analysis for the generalization of experimental results
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (2024+)
Leveraging population outcomes to improve the generalization of experimental results
with Naoki Egami, Erin Hartman, and Luke Miratrix
Annals of Applied Statistics (2023)
Improving precision in the design and analysis of experiments with non-compliance
with Erin Hartman
Political Science Research and Methods (2023)
Sensitivity Analysis for Survey Weighting
with Erin Hartman
Political Analysis (2023)
Higher Moments for Optimal Balance Weighting in Causal Estimation
with Brian Vegetabile, Lane Burgette, Claude Setodji, and Beth Ann Griffin
Epidemiology (2022)
Yale University
University of California, Berkeley (Graduate Student Instructor)
University of California, Los Angeles (Teaching Assistant)